*Professional Medic Training & Events Ltd. will be used interchangeably with PMTE throughout the Terms & Conditions. Know that if you are reading either title (Professional Medic Training & Events Ltd. and/or PMTE), it is referring to one and the same company.
Confirmation in course & Payment Once registrants have submitted their online registration form(s), they must proceed to a payment option (either paying by eTransfer (EFT) or Credit Card) to complete the registration process. If paying by EFT, payment must be sent to [email protected]. If paying by credit card, registrants can click on confirmation page to follow the prompts / links. If there are any issues with online payment, please contact our office right away to ensure the issue is resolved. Participants are confirmed in course only AFTER payment has been received in full. If a registration form is received without immediate payment, PMTE will assume the registrant has changed their mind about entering the course and the registration form(s) will be shredded / deleted.
Withdrawal from course Once registrants have completed the registration process (PMTE has received the completed registration form(s) along with payment received in full), they are expect to attend the course(s) at the registered date / time / location selected on the registration form(s). If a registrant needs to withdraw from a course for any reason prior to the course starting, the registrant must contact PMTE as soon as possible prior to the course date to see if there is an option available for a different date. If a registrant needs to withdraw from a course AFTER the course has already begun, the registrant must contact PMTE to see if there is an option for attending the same course on a later date. PMTE will follow rules of legislation and/or the agreement set in place with our training partners (ex: Canadian Red Cross) to ensure standards are being met. If PMTE can accommodate a new course date/location for the registrant, all attempts will be made to honor this option - an additional administration fee of $30.00 may be required in order for the registrant to be confirmed in the new course date. If there are no available course dates that work for the registrant to transfer their registration to, PMTE reserves the right to decide on a case-by-case basis if a refund is warranted. A refund may be full or partial, depending on whether PMTE has incurred any expenditures for the participants course registration (expenditures may include, but are not limited to, administration fees, location rental, materials purchased, insurance paid, wait listing another potential participant, etc.). PMTE reserves the right to decide what is a fair and reasonable refund, if any, based on the information for each individual registration. If a registrant is withdrawn from a course at the instructor or PMTE staff's discretion (due to absenteeism, tardiness, truancy, conflicts in the course, etc.), PMTE management will discuss the matter further with PMTE staff and with the registrant to see if the matter can be resolved. If the matter is not able to be resolved, PMTE will handle these matters on a case-by-case basis with regards to a refund decision. PMTE has the right to withhold any / all refunds if it is found the registrant(s) / participant(s) were asked to leave the course by PMTE for any reason at all.
Absenteeism, Truancy, and/or Tardiness in a course Once registrants have completed the registration process (PMTE has received the completed registration form(s) along with payment received in full), they are expect to attend the course(s) at the registered date / time / location selected on the registration form(s). PMTE expects both our instructor(s) and our participant(s) to show up on time to courses, which includes coming back from breaks at the agreed upon time during the course. If a registrant is late for a course for any reason at all, the registrant must contact PMTE as soon as possible to advise of their reason. If it is deemed by PMTE staff and/or the registrant / participant that a withdrawal from the course is necessary PMTE will follow the Withdrawal from Course Policy (shown above). PMTE will follow rules of legislation and/or the agreement set in place with our training partners (ex: Canadian Red Cross) to ensure standards are being met. If PMTE can accommodate a new course date/location for the registrant, all attempts will be made to honor this option - an additional administration fee of $30.00 may be required in order for the registrant to be confirmed in the new course date. If there are no available course dates that work for the registrant to transfer their registration to, PMTE reserves the right to decide on a case-by-case basis if a refund is warranted or the refund is forfeit by the registrant(s) / participant(s). A refund may be full or partial, depending on whether PMTE has incurred any expenditures for the participants course registration (expenditures may include, but are not limited to, administration fees, location rental, materials purchased, insurance paid, wait listing another potential participant, etc.). PMTE reserves the right to decide what is a fair and reasonable refund, if any, based on the information for each individual registration. If a registrant is withdrawn from a course at the instructor or PMTE staff's discretion (due to absenteeism, truancy, conflicts in the course, etc.), PMTE management will discuss the matter further with PMTE staff and with the registrant to see if the matter can be resolved. If the matter is not able to be resolved, PMTE will handle these matters on a case-by-case basis with regards to a refund decision. PMTE has the right to withhold any / all refunds if it is found the registrant(s) / participant(s) were asked to leave the course by PMTE for any reason at all. At PMTE we understand that various circumstances are sometimes out of our control (such as bad weather, death of someone close, sickness, etc.), we are always willing to work alongside our registrant(s) / participant(s) to ensure a solution can be made where possible. Unfortunately there are times where poor planning, poor time management, etc., of one or two people can leave a negative impact on others in a course and lessen their learning experience. PMTE has to try to limit this from happening in order to maintain a high level of professionalism and offer the very best learning environment in all of our courses. Therefore, it will be the discretion of PMTE staff and management the handling of each individual situation, but PMTE reserves the right to ask any participant to leave if they are missing any portion of the course.
The use of cell phones, mobile / handheld devices, computers in a course Unless an instructor has asked for participant(s) to use one or any of these devices during the course for the purpose of adding to the learning outcome (for example playing the game Kahoot! or looking something up), participants are encouraged to leave these devices on vibrate and to view them before / after the course or during breaks. If a participant appears to be missing portions of the course due to being on any of these devices, PMTE reserves the right to ask the participant to put it away until a break. If a participant has an emergency situation needing to be handled right away, the participant should advise a PMTE staff member and/or the course instructor immediately. The PMTE staff and/or instructor will work alongside the participant to form a resolution regarding the course (ex: withdrawing participant from the course to attend a later course date; making up the material during a break or after the scheduled time of the course). Emergency situations are considered as having to do with the health, well-being, and/or life of a close loved one, etc, not dealing with employment situations, etc. If a participant is thought to be abusing this policy and/or causing a situation which lessens the learning of either themselves or others in the course, a PMTE has the right to ask the participant to leave the course. If a participant is asked to leave the course for this reason, the registrant(s) / participant(s) forfeits all money paid for the course, no refund will be provided, and PMTE reserves the right to allow/disallow the registrant(s) / participant(s) into future PMTE courses.
Youth courses Participant(s) joining a youth course, must have an emergency contact listed on their registration form(s). PMTE will contact the emergency contact or the registrant should there be cause for concern regarding the youth participant(s) listed on the registration form(s). Parent/guardian/emergency contact/care provider's are responsible for coming in to sign their participant(s) into the youth course and to either sign the participant(s) out at the end of the course OR give PRIOR WRITTEN permission (whether on the registration form or via email to [email protected]) for the participant(s) to leave on their own accord. If the registered participant(s) are not previously given permission by the parent/guardian/emergency contact/care provider to leave the course, PMTE staff will have the participant(s) remain in the course until the approved parent/guardian/emergency contact/care provider signs the participant(s) out of the course. If the registered participant(s) have been given permission to leave the course on their own accord (which includes signing themselves out of the course), at the end of the course PMTE staff will ask the participant(s) to sign themselves out and they are free to leave - PMTE staff is no longer responsible for the individual(s) once they have signed out of the course. PMTE asks parents/guardian/emergency contact/care provider's to connect with their participant(s) to make arrangement prior to the start of the course to avoid misunderstandings. PMTE asks the registrant to NOT send anyone NOT listed on the registration form to pick up the participant(s) if they have NOT given permission to PMTE for the participant(s) to leave the course on their own accord. Please also do NOT send anyone to pick up the participant(s) if the person was not listed on the registration form or if PMTE has not received written documentation PRIOR to the start of the course, as it puts PMTE, its' staff, and the participant(s) in an awkward position and unsafe situation.